5 Happy Reasons Why You Should Be Positive Today

Sometimes all you want is some peace and quiet. It’s an atypically beautiful, mild Florida summer evening. The front door is open. The humidity is low. A slight breeze is blowing in. And, wouldn’t you know it, someone turns on their lawn mower. Peace and quiet is quite literally out the door. But I’m choosing to stay positive. It’s so very beautiful outside. I can’t let the noise pollution get me down.


Wouldn’t you agree that this world could use a little more positivity? Like a movie that introduces some comic relief just when things seem to be darkest, we need people who introduce things positive into the darkness of this world. But sometimes it takes some intentionality to do just that.

So here are five happy reasons for you to be positive today:

  1. You’re alive. You know how fragile life can be. Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow is not promised. Today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present. So many people in the world live in conditions far more sparse than you and I do. You are blessed to live in the land of the free and home of the brave.
  2. You’re loved. Look around you. There is someone who loves you. Even if you don’t always feel that way, I promise that you are loved. If nobody else loves you I most certainly do. Live loved.
  3. You’re unique. There is no one else anywhere in the universe just like you. You have gifts and talents that are special just to you. The world wants what you have to give. Today is the day to share your art — whatever it may be — with the world.
  4. You’re able. You live in a day and age that has so very few restrictions and so very many technologies that make life simpler and easier. The possibilities that lie before you are endless. You have countless opportunities to make a difference and to create an impact.
  5. You’re forgiven. You’ve made mistakes. You’ve done things you regret. But there is One who lives for you, loves you, uniquely carried out your salvation, and is fully able to forgive you. Jesus gave His life to make your forgiveness certain.

Choose to be positive today. You are alive. You are loved. You are unique. You are able. You are forgiven.

What happy reason would you give for being positive today?

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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