What Would Happen If You Gave Out Personal Awards?

I went to one of those banquets tonight where they give out awards. The organization that hosted it does this on an annual basis. They give awards for humanitarianism, unity, and service to the community. The people that received the awards were all certainly worthy. They exemplified the reasons for which the awards were given.


Sitting there watching the ceremony and listening to speeches being spoken gave me an idea. What would it be like if we all had the opportunity to hold a banquet and give out personal trophies to people in our lives? Which people would most deserve it?

I’d give:

  • My wife the Undying Support Award for standing with, in front of, and behind me through thick and thin, night and day, year in and year out, no matter what.
  • My dad the Father of Creativity Award for bestowing upon our family a love of the arts and all things creative…especially theatre.
  • My mom the Bookworm Award for being the one who’s always reading, recommending, and purchasing the perfect books as gifts for the people in our family.
  • Our daughter the First One to Give Us a Grandchild Award, coming sometime around early January.
  • Our son the Living Out Your Creativity Award for being the only one in our family actually making somewhat of a living off of his art.
  • My friend, John, the Friend Who Loves Me Despite My Faults Award for sticking with me no matter the years or miles that separate us.
  • The people I work with the Give Until You Can’t Give Anymore Award for going well above and beyond the line of duty, even when it’s not noticed or appreciated, and sometimes even in the face of criticism
  • My church’s leadership the Forward Thinking Award for being willing to plan, dream, and cast vision, all the while being helpful and supportive.

So many people in my life deserve awards. If I were monetarily rich I would give them their due. But in the mean time I’d simply like them to know just how much I appreciate them. I’d like them to know how much their love and support mean to me.

We weren’t meant to go through life alone. I’m so glad God has given me the people with whom I get to journey through this season and time.

What awards would give? To whom?

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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