What does it mean to be fully and creatively alive? Tom Eggebrecht tells us through the stories of real-life people who pursued their passions and followed their dreams in many and various ways, and have done so successfully.
You’ll read about:
- Tanner who uses spoken word poetry to get a message across.
- Megan is designing hip (and modest) clothing for women.
- Morgan creates one-of-a-kind pottery.
- Mikaela discovered a gift for photography.
- Claire is a comedian who rides the waves of social media.
- Riley is a sound engineer who has traveled all over the world.
- Lauren calls herself a visual storyteller.
- Judson is a graphic designer who dreams of branding upscale food products.
- Emily makes jewelry and teaches women in Honduras how to start their own self-sustaining jewelry businesses.
- Patrick tells stories with his photos.
- Larry has created a business built around his love of live music.
- Cadence is a brilliant writer who also presents storybook dinners for strangers who come together to get to know one another.
- Daniel uses his business skills to serve artists who don’t have such skills, while exploring his city from the seat of his bicycle.
The powerful insights and practical suggestions from these stories propel us on our journey to know our own unique gifts and express them well — both personally and professionally.
Here’s what people are saying:
“Being alive and being creative should be synonymous. But so often we live as if they’re not. This book will show you how to bridge that gap and live the creative life you were meant for. Well done, Tom.” –Jeff Goins, best-selling author of The Art of Work
“Tom has successfully created a road map to unleash our creativity and embrace the life that we were uniquely designed to live. A must-read for all who are intent on pursuing their inner dreams!” –Dr. Kurt Senske, CEO of Upbring and author of Wine and the Word: Savor & Serve
“More often than not, we separate the ‘creative’ things of life from the ‘practical.’ Tom Eggebrecht shows us a more excellent way. He shows us how creativity — in any endeavor — is what breathes a fuller life into our living. More than that, he shows us many ways to that life with a delightful clarity that makes me wonder why we didn’t see it all before.” –Travis Scholl, author of Walking the Labyrinth: A Place to Pray and Seek God
As a special for Christmas 2016, I’m offering “Fully and Creatively Alive” for only $10! Click the “Buy Now” button below to get your copy today! Buy ten or more, and get one FREE! This offer is good until December 31st, 2016.