One Simple Piece of Evidence That the World Needs More Joy

If you haven’t heard the name Candace Payne, you’ve probably seen her Chewbacca mask-covered face. A silly little video she posted has, at last count, brought joy to over 132 million viewers (…if you haven’t seen it you can watch it on Candace’s Facebook Page here). Candace bought herself a Chewbacca mask that actually makes that “Chewy” sound (I bet you can hear it in your head right now). She sat in her car in the Kohl’s parking lot, recorded herself unboxing the mask, proceeding to put it on, and laughing belly laugh after belly laugh until she could hardly contain herself. The video is now the most viewed Facebook live post of all time.


Now, why do you suppose this video has been viewed over 132 million times and still counting? There are all kinds of theories behind viral videos, but I think the key to this one is simple: it’s the unbridled joy this video demonstrates. After the video began blowing up, Payne wrote on her Facebook page:

Today has been a whirlwind. I’m grateful for every kind word and comment even if I haven’t replied. Y’all. OVERWHELMED with gratitude. Let’s keep belly laughing again and again. Never imagined finding my “simple joy” would land me more VIEWS on a little FB video than Mark Zuckerberg has followers. INSANE. Find your “simple joy”!
Good Day. Now Good Night. It’s all love.

Kohl’s Department Store immediately took advantage of the fame that came from this viral video. Representatives of the store showed up at Candace’s home the next day and gifted her whole family with extra Chewy masks, Star Wars toys, and Kohl’s gift cards and bonus points. Well done, Kohl’s. Well done.

What this world needs is a little more unbridled joy. We clamor after it. We are attracted to it. We are drawn to it.

Want to get ahead in life, in business, or as a leader?

  • Encourage joy
  • Spread it
  • Share it
  • Do what you can in your workplace to make it bubble up like a spring
  • Surprise your family with it
  • Take it to church with you
  • Tell a joke
  • Come up with a pun
  • Heck, buy a few Chewbacca masks and pass them out

Then don’t hold yourself back when you feel a belly laugh coming on. Candace would approve. And so would all those who see you so serious every day.

One of the things this world could use it a little bit more unbridled joy.

How will you spread the joy today?

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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4 thoughts on “One Simple Piece of Evidence That the World Needs More Joy

  1. Yes! Yes! Yes! We are all like beggars hoping for hand-outs of joy. Let’s get out there and make some people rich today! Thanks, Tom!