Mark Zimmermann works with Peter Mead at Creative Communications for the Parish. He studied writing at Valparaiso University and lives in St. Louis.
Mark would like you to know that he’s working on a very special project that needs writers. It’s a new devotional booklet called Living the Gospel Life. If you’re interested in writing for this publication you can contact Mark at
Mark is a smart and creative writer. He writes things that have impact and zing. It’s good stuff that brings life to words and words to life.
Here are Mark’s responses to my questions about creativity:
Tom: Define “creativity.”
Mark: I would define creativity as the ability to work outside of the normal parameters and make connections to things that would not automatically be associated.
Tom: When did you first realize that you were “creative”?
Mark: I guess I would say I realized I was creative when I was 8 and wrote a book about a trip to the hospital and my relatives all wanted to read it.
Tom: How do you cultivate your creativity?
Mark: I keep notepads everywhere and write things down as soon as I think of them.
Tom: How do you handle a “creative block”?
Mark: I use a brainstorming technique where I put words and phrases and ideas randomly on a page and see if any connections develop.
Tom: When and where do you do your most creative work?
Mark: I guess I would say that my most creative work is done at my desk at work, usually in the first few hours or last few hours of the workday.
Tom: Who is your “creative inspiration”? Why?
Mark: I would say my Grandma Zimmermann is my creative inspiration because she was always coming up with projects and games for us to play when we came to visit her.
Tom: What advice do you have for aspiring “creatives”?
Mark: I would advise people to just keep trying. Don’t get discouraged. Some ideas work. Some don’t. It doesn’t mean you are not a creative person. It just means that you need to be patient.
See…even grandparents can have creative influence on grandchildren! Thanks, Mark!
What do you think of Mark’s ideas about creativity? Any new insights?
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