If You Don’t Change, You’ll Face the Far-Reaching Consequences

Failure to change and keep up with the times has consequences far more reaching than you may know. Last night we had to go buy a computer for my wife, Tammy. We have two other perfectly fine computers in our home, both in working condition.

Time For Change

So, why, you may ask, did we have to go buy another one? Tammy is employed by a charter school of the Seminole County (Fla.) public schools. The online resources they use for report cards and other tracking can only be accessed through the use of Internet Explorer. And Internet Explorer does not work on Macintosh computers. Both of the computers in our home happen to be Macs (I wouldn’t have it any other way).

As a result, Tammy couldn’t use our computers to do any work at home. And that put her at a distinct disadvantage. So we had to invest our hard-earned money on an inferior machine, just so she could get on an inferior browser to go to an inferior web site to do work she needs to do at home.


Failure to keep up with the times, to invest in state-0f-the-art technology, to do what it takes to be on the cutting edge has consequences of which you may not even be aware. Some bureaucrat refuses to change and update software, so the consequences have an impact on the family budget of workers in their schools. Can you say “short-sighted”?

Our world is changing and advancing faster than ever before. Those who keep up (as best they can) will benefit. Those who fight change will face ever more far-reaching consequences. It’s hard work to keep up with everything. But keeping up will mean easier connection with those you serve, those you hope to reach, those you work with, and even those who work for you. There will be less resentment and more buy-in from all of your constituencies.

Instead of making life frustrating for others because of reluctance to upgrade, bring about change that makes peoples’ lives easier, more meaningful, and faster to connect with others. Upgrading technology may seem impersonal. But streamlining life brings people together and makes for happy employees, faithful customers or members, and less frustrating interactions.

It may seem silly or even obvious, but it’s more important now than ever before to 

  • keep up with the times
  • invest in state-0f-the-art technology
  • and do what it takes to be on the cutting edge

What are you doing to make sure that you are bringing about positive change in your life, organization, or company?

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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One thought on “If You Don’t Change, You’ll Face the Far-Reaching Consequences

  1. Did you consider installing Windows on Mac using Bootcamp? It allows a second non-Mac operating system to run on your computer. Another option is to use Parallels and run Window through a virtual machine.