If you have been on Facebook at all you have no doubt seen Facebook Live. Social media experts use it. Marketers use it. Celebrities use it. And our church uses it.
At our church we studied Greg Finke’s book: Joining Jesus on His Mission. The book reminds us that God has placed us in our particular neighborhoods to be everyday missionaries of the Gospel. One of the suggestions the book makes is to create missional communities in geographic locations. The idea is to gather people together in areas of close proximity to help and support one another as they share the love of Jesus.
One of the married couples in our congregation saw a problem with that. They recognized that with three children, two full time jobs, and a home that was a decent distance away from church, they’d have a hard time joining together in any real, live community groups on any consistent basis. So they took matters into their own hands. They decided they were going to use the technology available to them.
Enter Facebook Live. Every Tuesday night this married couple gathers together with potentially eighty other people for a time of devotion, discussion, and prayer. Technology has allowed all of these people to virtually be in one place at one time. It has become wildly popular and very successful with members of our congregation who find themselves in similar predicaments.
Throughout the week the leaders of the group ask questions and participants respond. The group stays in touch all week. In addition, if people can’t make the “live event,” they can watch a replay whenever they want.
Technology is a true gift of God. In reality, everything is a gift of God. It is only human beings that corrupt the things God gives. So why not use God’s gifts for the good of His kingdom? Technology is certainly often used for evil. But I’m thanking Him that members of our own congregation have seen the benefits of using it for good.
Facebook Live draws people together from vast distances. It allows people to watch after the live event is over. It provides tools for interaction as the event is going on. It creates community where once there was none.
How do you use technology for good?
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