Why What You Do Matters, Even If You Think It Doesn’t

You may sometimes think it doesn’t, but what you do matters. In the days following the Newtown tragedy (that’s not even the word for it, but I can’t think of a better one) everything was amplified. Compassion was amplified. Empathy was amplified. Care was amplified. Love for family was amplified. Joy eas amplified.

Even what you do for a living was amplified.


We were all reminded that life in this world is short. Sometimes far too short.

That’s why this world needs joy. And no matter what you do, you can be a bringer of joy.

I was reminded of this by two things that I observed in tho days following the Newtown “event.”

  1. Our daughter, Ashlyn, was in a show at the Orlando Repertory Theatre called Junior Claus. It was a happy little show about the son of Santa Claus looking for his place in life. Ashlyn played “Pengy” the Penguin, a comedic role that brought belly laughs from the little children in the audience. As I heard those laughs I couldn’t help but think about those poor little kids in Newtown. I hoped that they had the opportunity to have a chance to belly laugh in their short lives. What Ashlyn does matters because being an actor adds art, joy, and thoughtfulness to life.
  2. There is a Disney security guard who makes it part of his job to bring joy into the lives of little children. When he sees a little girl dressed up as a princess, he asks for her autograph. The girls are dumbfounded. At first they can’t believe that someone wants their autograph. But it isn’t long before they play along…and their whole day is made by the simple act of a security guard who realizes that his job matters. What the security guard does matters because he creates an event that a little girl will probably never forget.

If an actor and a security guard do things that make a difference in the lives of people, so will you. Make a decision, a “resolution” if you will, to do things that add joy, life, creativity, art, surprise, and happiness into the lives of those you encounter every day. The opportunities will be there. Open your eyes and you will see them.

Life is too short to think only of yourself. Make life a little more joyful for someone else.

What you do matters, even if you think it doesn’t.

What will you do add some joy into a life today?

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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3 thoughts on “Why What You Do Matters, Even If You Think It Doesn’t

  1. Oh, so true! Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Sometimes it helps to point out what should be obvious, but is often out of consciousness. Now you've made me more aware and I'm sure I'll be thinking about this today and hopefully, everyday, with God's help. 🙂