You’re Welcome on Thanksgiving

As Thanksgiving rolls around once again, I want to thank you for telling me, “You’re welcome.” I’ve been writing this blog for a number of years now (with a significant lay off over the past months). I am now back to writing two to three times a week. It feels good to have the words flowing once again. As I’ve written over these past years, many of you have said to me:

  • “You’re welcome to come into my inbox by way of email.”
  • “You’re welcome to come to my computer screen by way of Facebook.”
  • “You’re welcome to come across my Twitter feed multiple times a week.”
  • “You’re welcome to share your thoughts and ideas with me.”

thank you words written on the sand of the beach

Thank you for welcoming my thoughts and ideas into your mind and into your life. Over the next months I will be introducing some new things at, and I’d love you to be a part of them. I am finishing a book that will come out next year called, “Fully and Creatively Alive.” I’m also going to introduce a podcast under the same name. I’ll be interviewing people who are living out life “fully and creatively alive.”

If you enjoy or appreciate the things that you see here, I’d appreciate it if you would look to your right and fill in the blank with your email address so that you can receive posts right in your inbox. You’ll also be the first to be alerted when my book comes out and when the podcast starts.

Today I want to say you’re welcome:

  • You’re welcome to take my thoughts and ideas and translate them into your life.
  • You’re welcome to comment on my posts and let me know what you’d like me to write about.
  • You’re welcome to share posts with your friends and social media contacts.

More than that, I want to say Thank You. Thank you for reading. Thank you for responding. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for caring enough for spending a few minutes of your day with me.

What is one thing you’d like to have me write about? 

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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2 thoughts on “You’re Welcome on Thanksgiving

  1. Your posts are causing me to dig deep. I’m a creative person but struggling to decide if my creativity ‘creates change in someone else.’ I need to be more intentional….

    • Thanks, Mary Beth. Keep digging! I promise you that your creativity WILL create change in someone else. All you have to do is ship it out into the world. Even if it changes one person, it will be worth it!