It’s not very surprising how God creates teams that serve and work for Him. The ministry team and staff of our congregation recently held our annual planning and goal-setting session. In preparation for the meeting I had all the members of our team do the “How to Fascinate” assessment. This personality brand analysis identifies one’s own personality’s top advantage at work. It doesn’t measure how you see the world. It measures how the world sees you. It’s a completely different perspective.

According to the How to Fascinate website:
Your personality has one primary Advantage. It’s how you add value. It’s what makes you different and better. Think of it like a natural superpower. When you communicate using this Advantage, you earn more attention, and more revenue.
I thought it would be fun for each of the members of our team to discover the personality advantages of all of the other members. One by one we watched the video that described each Personality Advantage. Every single one was spot on. When each description was complete every single person in the room agreed that the description pegged that particular person.
- I am “The Ringleader.” The Ringleader is marked by the terms Power and Passion. The Ringleader is seen as energetic and compelling in drawing people in, casting a vision, and getting people to buy into it. The Ringleader energizes others, sees the big picture, but needs help with follow-through.
- Our Business Manager is “The Talent.” The Talent is marked by the terms Passion and Prestige. The Talent is expressive and a perfectionist. The Talent is engaging, passionate, and draws people in with personality.
- Our Director of Media Relations is “The Quick Start.” The Quick Start is marked by the terms Innovation and Alert. The Quick Start executes plans with innovation. The Quick Start can find a new path. The Quick Start is detail oriented, prolific, and reliable.
- Our Plant Manager is “The Authentic.” The Authentic is marked by the terms Trust and Passion. The Authentic is dependable and solid. The Authentic is dedicated to others. The Authentic is sincerely gentle and makes people feel at home.
- Our Assisting Pastor is “The Mediator.” The Mediator is marked by the terms Alert and Trust. The Mediator is dedicated, punctual, and steadfast. The Mediator protects the status quo, is a practical and organized thinker, and protects others.
- Our Volunteer Administrative Assistant is “The Intrigue.” The Intrigue is marked by the terms Passion and Mystique. The Intrigue is perceptive and selective about what parts of him/herself he/she wants to show. The Intrigue avoids delivering mixed messages by being both engaged and observant.
- Our Choir Director is “The Coordinator.” The Coordinator is marked by the terms Alert and Passion. The Coordinator understands how people interact. The Coordinator motivates people, inspires a team, and keeps projects on track. The Coordinator takes a step-by-step approach to every goal.
Read that list again thinking about what it takes to deliver ministry and run a local church. Our team sat around the table in shock and awe as each short video described every person to a T. But as we sat there and thought about it a little more, we began to understand how uniquely qualified was every single person on the team for his or her position and vocation.
In other words, the team that sat around the table that day was no mistake. There is no question in my mind that God knew what He was doing when he put these people together as the servant-leaders of our local congregation. Each person has the gifts that uniquely qualify her or him for their own particular duties and tasks.
More than that, the gifts of each person complement the others on the team. There’s no way any one person on the team could deliver to our congregation all the gifts represented by the entire team. When this team works together our congregation is blessed in many and myriad ways. The team is a unit that brings care, comfort, service, and ministry to a wonderful group of God’s people who are members of His kingdom.
No human being could have as perfectly formed this team. God knows what He’s doing when He puts people in place to serve Him, His church, and the world at large. He knows what He’s doing when He gives gifts. If you think about it, it’s really not so surprising at all that God knows what He’s doing when He creates teams.
How have you seen God’s work in the teams that serve you?